Why I Am Not Voting

There was a post once, regarding Kenya getting fucked over and our false war in Som… yeah…, that place, written a while ago. It linked certain at-the-time-recent diplomatic assignments into Kenya with said, seemingly at the time, pointless war. Pointless, other than the oil then recently discovered, and the water soon after.

Remember how in 2007/2008 PEV, apparently Kenyans killed themselves and there’s no one to blame? Apparently.

Intermission: Please watch below video. I’ll fail you if you don’t!

As Kenya faces having to pick between it’s own version of Clinton Vs Trump, I remember that that man up there fucked Iraq (and the World really) for their oil. And the fucking starts with a false war. And we have oil. And we have leaders with questionable backgrounds both, who may or may not be indebted to the West and it’s counter-intelligence background Diplomats currently residing. (Sidenote: Current dude Nic Hailey has strategy in his background true, but that Turner dude had Cheney-type tendencies)

I do not feel sorry for not voting, I feel sorry for the thousands who died with no one to be blamed. And I feel sorry for the thousands that followed.

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